Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just another Day....

I woke up around 4pm in the afternoon, with mixed emotions and feelings that I just wasted my day. Took a bath and all, and headed for the gym. As I needed to get my fitness back for the upcoming football league, I did some running and abdominal exercises, all mainly concentrated in my stamina and abdominal strength. After gym, I went to meet Dad for dinner. OMG la, all my gym efforts are wasted. Ate Curry Fishhead, Calamaris, Kang Kong and Some Prawn Paste Chicken Shit. Delicious!!! OK fuck care the gym and all.... We live to eat, or  maybe I live to eat. I mean seriously, what's the point of having such a good body when you can't enjoy life (My term of enjoying life would be to eat good food, sleep like a pig, playing football till your legs become sore and playing great music together with my band). After dinner, I went over to Boarders to purchase a book I have been wanting to buy for a really long time. Haha... I went home and read the book almost immediately, took a short nap before realising I have driving lessons in the morning. WTF man. But I couldn't sleep. Nvm probably watch the Liverpool match and see how it goes man. I am feeling the nerves and all man. Results will release on Friday and I am so afraid things would not turn out well. Prayed to god about it which helped in making me feeling much more at ease. Yeah! Should be more optimistic about it man.  Ok then. Thats all for the day. Gtg now. BYE!!

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