Friday, October 2, 2009

War Pigs

Went to the California Fitness with Jo to get his free 2 weeks guest list past,  only to realise he is not eligible for it unless there is an adult above the age of 21. Damm forgotten about the whole under 18 policy. Just got to go there collect another time. We head to Far East Plaza, so that Jo could cut his hair. But the freaking shop was under renovation and will only be open tomorrow. Just have to go there another time. Well we had lunch, admire some beautiful ladies beside us, which probably was the reason we came there to eat, and I observe and analyse them like a piece of art. Don't look at me like a deprived pervert, which I am most definitely no deprived. I am just admiring their superficial beauty, that's all. After lunch we head home, and I read finish my book before taking a shower and meet Bert and Qi Xian at Singapore Swimming Club.

I reached there about 8plus, and met them at the Palms Restaurant. Apparently, QX have stomach flu that was transmitted through his sister. Bad luck to him man. Told myself never to take his food or drink today. Simply learn my lesson when I drank Rachel's stupid Ice Tea that pass me the fucking stomach flu that cost me my Paper. Well after dinner, we head to the swimming pool, chill and listen to some music before heading to the Arcade to play stupid games. Me and QX suggested not playing lan today and doing something different. It gets really boring and all to keep playing Lan Gaming during our meet ups. We called Jon but he declined and only wanted to Play Left For Dead. So we played arcade, which was quite fun as we finally  did something different after so long. We wanted to play bowling, but unfortunately QX and Bert can't because they did not ha socks and a fucking trash socks cost $6.50! So I played about 2 games, and was really rusty. My average score was like 120plus, which is considered lousy for my standard. I like to achieve low scores with friends as it seems more that way, with all the interaction going on. Bowling is never fun alone, and probably that was why I quite bowling as a sport because I just couldn't find much enjoyment and satisfaction in it. Bowling is definitely most enjoyable when you are with good friends and simply can't play for nuts. 

Well we head to the pub, had some drinks and played some pool. Pool with a doze of alcohol is fun. For me at least. Albert and Qi xian sparred even though Albert gets really lucky on many occasions at SSC. It was pretty enjoyable so far even without lanning. Albert was very generous to pay for alot of our stuff. We head to Katong to play Comand and Conquer Generals while at the same time devicing a tactic to beat 5 computer AI's. At least we played a different game. However, we could not find any Lan Gaming Shop that have that game. Sadly, we just got to head home as Qx has school in the morning. I went home, played with my cat and dog, played my guitar and did a recording of me singing and playing Layla by Eric Clapton, and You and Me by Lifehouse. My singing was Ok for You and Me but awful for Layla. Nevertheless I don't care much and just keep it in my Itunes as an achievement.  Did some blogging and yeah, will be sleeping now. Good Night!